• Polski
  • English
  • 中文 (中国)
    Being invisible
    we eliminate your competitors.
    94% increase of sales? We have already done that
  • 10%
    increase of our friend’s income within a year


the mission to be performed

The aim of one of our friends in business was to achieve the highest sales results in the history of their branch. Additionally, they decided to achieve it and at the same time to improve their image and to create a strong emotional relation with their customers.



the ninja’s strategy

Carrying out a comprehensive reconnaissance and development of the most efficient campaign.

Creating of sales philosophy based on emotional power and showing that their product is customers’ goodwill.

Support of the power of message by the image of one of the most popular Polish actresses, who has become an ambassador of this brand.

Creating of a slogan, advertising and sales materials. Planning and purchasing advertising campaigns in media.


the mission’s effect

Achievement of a record level of sales and 10% increase of the obtained profits per year.

The highest index of visits of the Internet website of our friend within one day, even 35 thousands of authentic users.

When the campaign was over, a survey was carried out which showed that trust in brand had increased by 89%.
